Visionary Women

Visionary Women is:

a social impact organization
based in Los Angeles

services provided

  • website design
  • marketing email support
  • web development
  • custom coding
  • strategy

About Visionary Women:

Founded in 2014, Visionary Women grew out of its founders’ desire to connect with women who have a passion for learning and philanthropy. In their first 10 years, they have grown a member base of 300+ and dispersed 2.5 million dollars to more than 140 organizations. Among their many great initiatives, we especially love their commitment to building community and connecting women, along with their generous grant-making program.

How we helped:

Blueshoon worked with the VW team to completely redesign Visionary Women’s website. The build included designing a high-end motion-driven design that prioritized growing their member base and educating users about the organization’s mission, events, and purpose. The website is constructed on a customized WordPress theme, with specialized tools to manage donations, events, and a membership directory.

Blueshoon used Paypal’s API and Gutenberg blocks to create a donation platform that looks beautiful and is flexible enough to handle Visionary Women’s need to update and create new campaigns throughout the year. →

Visionary Women home page screenshot, desktop and mobile versions