Wednesday Websites We Love | Bill Byron Wines

Blueshoon’s web design headquarters in Chicago feature easy access to great food, an almost overwhelming number of new breweries, and at last count 3 distilleries. For the wine lovers though, sadly, Chicago isn’t known for its wine production. There are some great locations for wine in our region (shocking, we know!) and many a pilgrimage is made to bring the best that we can find back to Chicago. In our research on different wineries, we’ve come to a nearly-universal conclusion that all wineries have ugly websites. Today’s Wednesday Websites We Love is the exception to this rule, Bill Byron Wines.

Bill Byron Wines homepage, an example of great website design.

Where to start with this gorgeous, photo-driven website? How about with the page load indicator? If only every brand could have a logo that easily lends itself to this style of graphic. On a photo-driven website you’re going to have a longer page load time, this clever graphic keeps the visitor engaged while they wait for the page to load, decreasing bounce time.

Once the page loads, visitors are treated to a homepage featuring the right use of video. (We’re not talking some 90’s video crap.) The video that is used throughout the Bill Byron Wines website is subtle and moody, there’s nothing in your face about it. And, no sound to make you jump out of your chair!

Bill Byron Wines, light on text but heavy on photo.

As you tour the site, each page is filled with stunning images of the Estate and wine making process. It’s almost like taking a winery tour, but from the comfort of your office chair. At the footer of each page, Bill Byron Wines gives you a visual reminder of the bottles to gravitate towards in the store by using their wine label design as the background graphic.

In this week of #Mobilegeddon, we’re also happy to see that their website is responsive! The photos and minimalist text translate easily to a mobile device.

If we’re ever in Australia, you’ll find us touring the actual Bill Byron Wines Estate. In the meantime, we’ll have to be content with enjoying the views displayed within their beautifully designed website. That’s why we it made this week’s Wednesday Websites We Love!