Our Latest Work | Gilt Edge Soccer Marketing
If you’re a soccer fan, you’re going to love our latest project. Gilt Edge Soccer Marketing is a niche marketing agency focused solely on marketing soccer and they were in need of a redesigned website to amplify their online presence. That’s where we came in.
For this project, we created the site from scratch. First we met with Scott and Casey from Gilt Edge for a beer at a local soccer bar (always a plus!) to gather information about their company and their vision for the new site. From there, we embarked on the site’s creation by constructing a strategy, developing the design, coding the site, and finally launching it. Our goal was to simplify the old site and turn it into a full-width, bold statement piece.
As with most of our sites, GiltEdgeSoccer.com is built on WordPress with a custom backend that allows Gilt Edge to update and organize their site. For example, Gilt Edge now has control of over their “What We Do” section allowing them to update their services and the list of clients they have worked with.
We also created “The Kickabout,” Gilt Edge’s blogging and social media home. They actively communicate with their clients and followers, so from our end, it’s satisfying to see a client take advantage of a page like this. As you may know, blogging is an effective way to add pages to your site, increase your presence in search engines, gain trust with your audience, and establish authority in your field; We’re happy to see Gilt Edge putting this theory into practice!
Overall, we loved working on this project because we had the opportunity to redesign a website from concept to execution. We also really enjoyed working with Scott and Casey!